# Industry Total Loaned Total Jobs Average
1 611 Educational Services explore $155,565.00 7 $22,223.57 per job
2 561 Administrative and Support Services explore $20,833.00 1 $20,833.00 per job
3 811 Repair and Maintenance explore $20,833.00 1 $20,833.00 per job
4 113 Forestry and Logging explore $18,312.00 1 $18,312.00 per job
5 623 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities explore $16,666.00 1 $16,666.00 per job
6 312 Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing explore $215,476.06 14 $15,391.15 per job
7 484 Truck Transportation explore $181,812.00 15 $12,120.80 per job
8 711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries explore $11,947.00 1 $11,947.00 per job
9 115 Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry explore $201,160.00 17 $11,832.94 per job
10 424 Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods explore $10,700.00 1 $10,700.00 per job
11 321 Wood Product Manufacturing explore $84,015.00 9 $9,335.00 per job
12 813 Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations explore $34,725.00 4 $8,681.25 per job
13 921 Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support explore $45,000.00 6 $7,500.00 per job
14 541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services explore $135,219.00 19 $7,116.79 per job
15 111 Crop Production explore $142,187.00 20 $7,109.35 per job
16 236 Construction of Buildings explore $105,607.11 18 $5,867.06 per job
17 922 Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities explore $5,476.00 1 $5,476.00 per job
18 445 Food and Beverage Stores explore $16,900.00 4 $4,225.00 per job
19 999 explore $6,340.00 2 $3,170.00 per job
20 238 Specialty Trade Contractors explore $13,436.00 5 $2,687.20 per job
21 311 Food Manufacturing explore $18,124.00 9 $2,013.78 per job





89.72% of Cazadero

The total amount loaned to businesses in these 21 industries by the Payroll Protection Program.

91.76% of Cazadero

Total jobs reported by loan recipients in these 21 industries.

Average amount given per job