# Industry Loan Purpose - Payroll Total Jobs Average
1 532 Rental and Leasing Services explore $20,833.00 1 $20,833.00 per job
2 325 Chemical Manufacturing explore $41,664.00 2 $20,832.00 per job
3 315 Apparel Manufacturing explore $167,000.00 9 $18,555.56 per job
4 484 Truck Transportation explore $434,143.00 26 $16,697.81 per job
5 711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries explore $94,785.00 6 $15,797.50 per job
6 531 Real Estate explore $71,015.00 5 $14,203.00 per job
7 237 Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction explore $839,323.98 65 $12,912.68 per job
8 333 Machinery Manufacturing explore $110,467.00 9 $12,274.11 per job
9 454 Nonstore Retailers explore $22,409.00 2 $11,204.50 per job
10 541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services explore $712,024.50 69 $10,319.20 per job
11 721 Accommodation explore $29,093.00 3 $9,697.67 per job
12 236 Construction of Buildings explore $270,648.37 28 $9,666.01 per job
13 811 Repair and Maintenance explore $247,627.75 26 $9,524.14 per job
14 621 Ambulatory Health Care Services explore $103,236.00 11 $9,385.09 per job
15 423 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods explore $119,695.25 13 $9,207.33 per job
16 812 Personal and Laundry Services explore $393,347.46 46 $8,551.03 per job
17 713 Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries explore $96,919.00 13 $7,455.31 per job
18 561 Administrative and Support Services explore $217,285.02 30 $7,242.83 per job
19 238 Specialty Trade Contractors explore $1,441,767.24 208 $6,931.57 per job
20 813 Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations explore $79,740.50 14 $5,695.75 per job
21 453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers explore $32,050.99 6 $5,341.83 per job
22 485 Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation explore $95,993.00 19 $5,052.26 per job
23 722 Food Services and Drinking Places explore $534,157.00 110 $4,855.97 per job
24 488 Support Activities for Transportation explore $27,010.00 7 $3,858.57 per job
25 623 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities explore $7,074.00 2 $3,537.00 per job
26 444 Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers explore $16,900.00 5 $3,380.00 per job
27 425 Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers explore $2,935.00 1 $2,935.00 per job
28 624 Social Assistance explore $61,185.00 22 $2,781.14 per job
29 445 Food and Beverage Stores explore $35,737.00 13 $2,749.00 per job
30 447 Gasoline Stations explore $3,580.00 2 $1,790.00 per job
31 424 Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods explore $8,700.00 5 $1,740.00 per job
32 336 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing explore $7,586.00 10 $758.60 per job






Total jobs reported by loan recipients in these 32 industries.

Average payroll allocation per job