# Industry Total Loaned Total Jobs Average
1 237 Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction explore $69,382.00 2 $34,691.00 per job
2 486 Pipeline Transportation explore $20,833.00 1 $20,833.00 per job
3 711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries explore $20,832.00 1 $20,832.00 per job
4 213 Support Activities for Mining explore $970,780.00 56 $17,335.36 per job
5 451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, and Book Stores explore $94,600.00 7 $13,514.29 per job
6 423 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods explore $54,041.65 4 $13,510.41 per job
7 531 Real Estate explore $30,833.32 3 $10,277.77 per job
8 238 Specialty Trade Contractors explore $125,346.00 16 $7,834.13 per job
9 722 Food Services and Drinking Places explore $13,698.57 2 $6,849.28 per job
10 541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services explore $253,585.00 39 $6,502.18 per job
11 112 Animal Production and Aquaculture explore $80,439.84 13 $6,187.68 per job
12 236 Construction of Buildings explore $11,665.00 2 $5,832.50 per job
13 111 Crop Production explore $17,129.80 3 $5,709.93 per job
14 811 Repair and Maintenance explore $73,148.00 14 $5,224.86 per job
15 444 Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers explore $18,614.00 6 $3,102.33 per job
16 445 Food and Beverage Stores explore $17,915.00 6 $2,985.83 per job
17 447 Gasoline Stations explore $52,179.00 18 $2,898.83 per job





99.61% of Charlotte

The total amount loaned to businesses in these 17 industries by the Payroll Protection Program.

97.47% of Charlotte

Total jobs reported by loan recipients in these 17 industries.

Average amount given per job